Why did your Ancestors settle in Carriden

Old Carriden

Old Parish Records

OPR's began in Carriden in 1687. Carriden is Parish no 664 in the County of Linlithgow.

The Name

Carriden means 'Fort on the Hill'

The Early Years

Carriden, to the east of Bo'ness was the first site, the monks were granted a tithe by William di Vipont to mine the coal on his estate. Roads at that time were virtually non-existent, giving Bo'ness a seaport from which coal could be transported down river to Leith and onwards to ports in Europe.

During 1648 a Commission of Gentlemen from the Parish of Carriden found six women guilty of witchcraft. All were found guilty and duly executed.

The 1700 and 1800s

Carriden was a site for heavy industry and coal mining, and a major port.

If you would to know where your ancestors came from and what they did there then we offer three packages to suit all needs and budgets.

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